Spelregels Blackjack Bank

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De blackjack spelregels. Het spelen van blackjack is vrij eenvoudig, het is de bedoeling is om zo dicht mogelijk bij of op 21 punten uit te komen. Behaal je met twee kaarten 21 punten dan heb je blackjack. De waarde van de kaarten zijn als volgt. Het is dus de bedoeling dat je de bank verslaat en het liefst met een blackjack combinatie. Spelregels Blackjack Bank, melbourne fl slot machines, stargate casino, poker club antananarivo. November 14, 2018. €100-$75 Free Chip-25. Prize pool: up to 50 free spins on Starburst. FruitKings Casino: 100% Welcome Bonus, up to Spelregels Blackjack Bank £100 + 100 Extra Spins. The following terms apply to Blackjack Spelregels Holland Casino all bonuses offered on 777.com (including the Welcome Bonus): Currencies: 777.com offers play in one of the five following currencies in accordance with the member's personal preference: US Dollars, Canadian Dollars, GBP, SEK or Euros. Is de open kaart van de bank een Aas, dan vraagt de dealer je of je ‘even money’ wilt voor je blackjack. Dat betekent dat je genoegen neemt met 1 keer je inzet als winst in plaats van 1,5 keer, maar die winst krijg je dan wel direct. Kies je voor even money, dan loop je niet meer het risico op een ‘push’ als de bank ook blackjack.

June 4, 2009 Update: The rules as shown on this page are long gone.

Heeft de bank inderdaad blackjack met de tweede kaart, dan betaalt de bank het bedrag van de verzekering dubbel uit. Na het lezen van onze uitleg hebben de blackjack spelregels geen geheimen meer voor u. Probeer de spelregels nu toe te passen door gratis blackjack te spelen of zet gelijk geld in bij Kroon Casino!


California Blackjack is a player-banked blackjack variation played at poker casinos in Los Angeles County. The rules may vary from one casino to another. For example, some casinos use more jokers or treat jokers as 2 or 12 points.

Playing rules

  1. The rules are the same as conventional blackjack except as noted below.
  2. Six 53-card decks are used. Each deck contains one joker.
  3. The highest hands, called 'naturals', are in no particular order:two jokers, two aces, an ace and a joker. The player must declare any natural immediately.
  4. If the player has two jokers, and the dealer does not, then the player shall win 2 to 1.
  5. An ace and a 10-point card counts as 21 points but does not outrank other 21-points hands, as in conventional blackjack.
  6. Jokers are wild. A joker with any other combination of card(s) counts as 21 points and standing is mandatory.
  7. If the dealer has a joker face up then the down card will be turned over immediately. Players may not draw in this situation. All player hands under 21 points will lose.
  8. The dealer never peeks at the hole card.
  9. Player may surrender on any two cards, except when the dealer has a joker up.
  10. If dealer's down card is a joker then the player can only lose the original wager. Additional bets by doubling or splitting shall push.
  11. Dealer hits a soft 17.
  12. Double after split allowed.
  13. Player may split to up to three hands.
  14. If both the player and dealer bust and the player has a lower total then the bet is a push.
  15. If both the player and dealer bust and the player's total is higher or equal to the dealer's total then the player shall lose.

Betting rules

  1. Player may bet $10 to $600 per hand, with a $1 fee (the'collection') per $100 bet. The fee is always rounded up to the nearest$1 and the house gets it.
  2. Banker must pay a flat $3 fee.
  3. Option to bank rotates around the table in turn. Player-banker has the opportunity to bank two hands before the turn passes. The banker then is playing the dealer's cards against the other players.

Banking rules

  1. The most the banker can possibly win is even money for the total amount that they put up to bank with (if you put up $100 to bank with, you can only possibly win $100... even if the players' cumulative loss is $1,000). In this situation, the 'corporation' will take up the slack.The corporation is a heavily bankrolled pseudo-player who sits at each table at first base and is employed by a company that the casinocontracts. These companies are allegedly non-profits. The corporation'banks behind,' meaning that it covers all wagers that the player-banker cannot cover. They can but typically do not bet when it is not their turn to bank, and are not required to do so (with the exception noted below). However, they do take the banking opportunity every time it comes around to them. If they do play, they follow a strict strategy card.
  2. If a player-banker does not have enough money to cover all wagers, the corporation will cover the balance of the outcome of the hand. How this works is however complicated. Based on the dealer's second card, an 'action' marker is placed on one of the players hands counting around from the bank location. Then, the dealer begins to pay the players in turn around the table beginning at the 'action'. When all of the player-banker's money has been wagered (i.e. put at risk and either won or lost), the dealer then continues to pay off or collect from the remaining players using the corporation's money. Thus, if the player-banker did not cover all the bets on the table, they may win when most of the table is losing, or lose when most of the table is winning, based on the luck of where the action falls.
  3. The player-banker may elect to 'buy action' from the corporation.This means that the player-banker can pay $5 to the corporation and force them to bet $100. They may do this cumulatively, i.e., pay the cooperation $20 and have them bet $400, on any of the spots on the table, as chosen by the player-banker. The corporation has control over these hands and plays them according to their basic strategy charts.They keep these charts secret.
  4. One more option is called 'kum-kum.' If a player has the opportunity to be banker, they may allow any other player(s) at the table or the corporation to kum-kum with them, which means to split the banker's roll between them. For instance if Joe is banker and he has $75 he is putting up to bank, he may allow Dave to put up $75 with him as well. They then split the winning or losing between them. To kum-kum, all players must agree and generally put up the exact same amount of money. Other players may also opt to 'second bank', that is to cover bets not covered by the player-banker's 'first bank'.
  5. The bank option goes around the table to each spot for two hands unless declined, in which case it moves to the next spot.
  6. A player can only bank in a spot if he just bet on it the hand before.

Also see the rules at the Hustler Casino. As far as I can tell the playing rules are the same at the Hustler Casino, except the number of decks.


Following is the basic strategy for the Hollywood Park Casino rules.

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House Advantage

According to my calculations the player has an advantage of 0.56% before considering the 1% commission. Assuming a 1% commission the house edge would thus be 0.44%. It should be emphasized that the rounding rules on the commission would cause small wagers to carry a very high house edge. My advice is if you can't bet at least $100 then don't play at all.

It is hard to speculate on the advantage or disadvantage as dealer because it would be strongly dependent on the level of skill of the other players and how much they are betting. After considering strategy errors if the actual house edge was 2% then it would take $150 in action to compensate for the $3 rake. At a 3% edge it would only take $100. When I was observing a similar game called 'Hawaiian Blackjack' at the Hawaiian Gardens Casino, there were many Asian players betting small stacks of black ($100) chips.

I think a well financed player should bet $100 per hand as the player and take full advantage of the option to bank in turn. It would be best to play at a table where most of the other players declined to bank.


I would like to thank Bryan Mitchell for explaining the rules to me. It had previously been difficult to get a clear explanation of the rules in full.


California rules for casino games.

Spelregels Blackjack Bank Rewards

Written by:Michael Shackleford The Blackjack Creek Preserve is a 54.5-acre site located 3 miles south of the City of Port Orchard, Washington. The Preserve is located within the Blackjack Creek floodplain, and is part of a larger 250-acre wetland complex. At the time of land acquisition the Project was a partially bermed, ditched, and drained livestock pasture. The pasture was actively grazed, devoid of trees or shrubs, and dominated by
reed canarygrass.
Restoration activities associated with the project will result in 54.5 acres of land returned to its historic mosaic of native emergent marsh, scrub-shrub, forested wetland, and stream channel communities. In addition, portions of Blackjack Creek will be re-meandered and a functioning riparian zone will be established along the creek. The restoration activities on this Project will help replace the natural functions and processes to the site and will contribute to improved water quality, hydrology, and native fish and wildlife habitat values within the Blackjack Creek watershed and Blackjack Creek.
To date, 8 acres of the project have been restored to provide wetland mitigation for the Washington State Department of Transportation. The restoration of the 8-acre portion of the project commenced in 2008 and consisted of channel and hummock construction, large woody debris installation, emergent marsh vegetation installation, and native tree and shrub planting. Additional plantings were installed during the winter of 2009. The restored 8 acres have been protected by a recorded conservation easement and will be monitored and maintained in perpetuity.
Future plans for the Preserve include restoring, enhancing, and rehabilitating the remaining 46 acres to high functioning wetlands by plugging existing ditches, re-grading areas to restore a meandering stream channel and adjacent wetlands, installing large woody debris, planting native vegetation, and controlling invasive species. These restoration activities can be used to offset impacts to wetlands and open waters in the region.

Project Highlights

  • Within Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 15
  • Restore emergent marsh, scrub-shrub, forested wetland, and meandering stream channel
  • Contributes to improved water quality, hydrology, and native fish and wildlife habitat values


Spelregels Blackjack Bank Rewards

Mitigation Types

  • Wetland/Waters of the U.S.

Spelregels Blackjack Bank Stock

Service Area

Portions of Kitsap County as determined on a case-by-case basis.

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For additional information on the Blackjack Creek Mitigation Site, please contact Julie Maddox at (916) 435-3555 or jmaddox@heronpacific.com.