Mn Charitable Gambling Rules

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Links to Each Chapter of the Lawful Gambling Manual Entire 2020 Lawful Gambling Manual (275 pages)

This chapter outlines requirements that an organization must meet to obtain an organization license.

This chapter outlines the requirements for the position of gambling manager.

According to Minnesota law, a 'private, social bet' is one that is not part of any organized or commercialized gambling enterprise. For example, nickel-ante card games among friends (played at a private residence) would be considered social bets and thus exempt from gambling prohibitions.

  • Charitable Gambling in Minnesota Page 4. License and Permits. Charitable gambling may only be conducted by a licensed nonprofit organization. A fraternal, veterans, religious, or other nonprofit organization may apply for licensing if it has been in existence for at least three years and has at least 15 active members. Gambling licenses.
  • Charitable organizations, charitable trusts, and professional fundraisers generally must register and file periodic reports with the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. For more information on these requirements, see Registration and Reporting - Charities and Charitable Trusts and Registration and Reporting - Professional Fundraisers.
Mn Charitable Gambling Rules

To be able to conduct gambling at a premises, whether leased or owned, an organization must meet the specific requirements outlined in this chapter.

This chapter contains information on the conduct and reporting of electronic pull-tabs and electronic linked bingo.


This chapter contains information on paper pull-tab conduct, paper pull-tab dispensing devices, point-of-sale systems, reporting, and common problems.

Mn Charitable Gambling Rules Regulations

This chapter contains information on bingo conduct, bingo games, bar bingo, reporting and frequently asked questions regarding bingo.

This chapter contains information on raffle conduct, inventory, and records.

This chapter contains information on the conduct of tipboards, reports, and common questions.

This chapter contains information on the conduct of paddlewheels, records, and reports.


This chapter, one of the most important in this manual, outlines and emphasizes the importance of good internal controls as they apply to the gambling operations for which an organization's chief executive officer, gambling manager, and members are responsible.

This chapter contains information and instructions on the required inventory systems for paper pull-tab, tipboard, and paddlewheel games. The four required inventory systems are perpetual, physical, site, and merchandise prize. Electronic games, bingo, and raffle inventory instructions are located in the Electronic Games, Bingo, and Raffle chapters.

This chapter covers the expenditures known as allowable expenses. These expenses must be directly related to lawful gambling and paid from the gambling account.

This chapter covers the expenditures that an organization makes from its gambling account for donations and certain taxes. Some LPE are also called 'charitable contributions'.

Mn Charitable Gambling Laws

This chapter covers the monthly reporting requirements for filing LG100A, LG100C, and LG100F with the Gambling Control Board.

This chapter lists state and federal agencies that can assist an organization with questions on lawful gambling and provides information about the Gambling Control Board. Also included are helpful hints on locating lawful gambling statutes and rules.

This index references specific topics and pages on which they are located within the manual.