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Glamis House was built around 1800 for the accommodation of Patrick Proctor, the Factor to the 10th Earl of Strathmore & Kinghorne. It was later occupied by Charlotte Grimstead, Lady Glamis. Two of Charlotte’s sons inherited the Strathmore title – Thomas, who became the. SWIID The Standardized World Income Inequality Database. Cross-national research on the causes and consequences of income inequality has been hindered by the limitations of the existing inequality datasets: greater coverage across countries and over time has been available from these sources only at the cost of significantly reduced comparability across observations.

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Bran-slottet, der stammer fra 1211, er sat til salg.
Bygningen er Rumæniens største turistattraktion og tiltrækker mere end 550.000 mennesker årligt.
De kommer ikke bare, for at nyde udsigten fra slottet, der ligger hævet på en klippetop i byen Bran, men også for at gyse over slottets bloddryppende fortid.
En af slottets tidligere ejere er nemlig den historiske greve, der var inspirationskilden til romanfiguren Dracula.
Grev Vlad Dracul, der beboede slottet i 1400-tallet var kendt som en ualmindelig brutal krigsherre, der satte sine fjender på stager til skræk og advarsel for alle, der kunne se dem lide en langsom og pinefuld død.
Den engelske forfatter Bram Stoker var aldrig selv på besøg på slottet i Transsylvanien, men det antages, at den grusomme Grev Vlad den Anden var en slags forlæg til hans vampyrhistorie.
I dag er det ikke efterkommere af Vlad, som ejer slottet, men derimod en rumænsk ærkehertug, Dominic von Habsburg.
En af hans slægtninge, den rumænske dronning Marie, fik det til beboelse i 1920. I 1948 blev slottet beslaglagt af kommunisterne, mens familien måtte forlade Rumænien, men i 2005 blev det ved lov muligt at gøre krav på tidligere beslaglagt ejendom, og siden har slottet tilhørt grev Dominic.
Men nu har han altså sat slottet til salg, for minimum 430 millioner kroner.
Ærkehertugen og hans søskende har tilbudt den rumænske regering at købe slottet, men i virkeligheden ser de hellere, at slottet overgår til en privat køber, som kan videreudvikle stedet som turistattraktion.
En repræsentant for det New York-baserede advokatfirma Herzfeld and Rubin, som varetager salget, udtaler til avisen Daily Mail:
”Ærkehertug Dominic og hans familie går meget op i slottet, og det er i langt bedre stand nu, end det var, da det var regeringen, der administrerede det. Målet er dog at viderudvikle det og gøre Bran til den slags sted, hvor folk har lyst til at tilbringe to eller tre dage.”
Der er plads til et lille hotel på slottets grund, og ejerne skulle allerede være i gang med at installere en glaselevator, der fører ind til en tunnel i bjerget, hvor gæster skal kunne se et lysshow med historien om stedet og om dets forbindelse til ’Dracula.’
Se flere billeder af slottet og dets omgivelser her.

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Hvor Ligger Glamis Slot

The Standardized World Income Inequality Database


Cross-national research on the causes and consequences of income inequality has been hindered by the limitations of the existing inequality datasets: greater coverage across countries and over time has been available from these sources only at the cost of significantly reduced comparability across observations. The goal of the Standardized World Income Inequality Database (SWIID) is to meet the needs of those engaged in broadly cross-national research by maximizing the comparability of income inequality data while maintaining the widest possible coverage across countries and over time. It incorporates data from the OECD Income Distribution Database, the Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean generated by CEDLAS and the World Bank, Eurostat, the World Bank’s PovcalNet, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, national statistical offices around the world, and academic studies while minimizing reliance on problematic assumptions by using as much information as possible from proximate years within the same country. The data collected by the Luxembourg Income Study is employed as the standard. The SWIID currently incorporates comparable Gini indices of disposable and market income inequality for 198 countries for as many years as possible from 1960 to the present; it also includes information on absolute and relative redistribution. A full description of the SWIID, the procedure used to generate it, and an assessment of the SWIID’s performance in comparison to the available alternatives is presented here:

Solt, Frederick. 2020. “Measuring Income Inequality Across Countries and Over Time: The Standardized World Income Inequality Database.” Social Science Quarterly 101(3):1183-1199. SWIID Version 9.0, October 2020. (Pre-print available here.)

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There are two ways of using the SWIID. To directly compare up to four countries in estimated levels and trends of (a) inequality in disposable (post-tax, post-transfer) income, (b) inequality in market (pre-tax, pre-transfer) income, (c) absolute redistribution (market-income inequality minus net-income inequality), or (d) relative redistribution (market-income inequality minus net-income inequality, divided by market-income inequality), or to compare several of these measures in a single country, use the SWIID web app below. To use the SWIID in statistical analyses, datasets formatted for use in Stata and R are available for download.

Hvor Ligger Glamis Slot Machine

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Please cite the SWIID as follows:

Solt, Frederick. 2020. “Measuring Income Inequality Across Countries and Over Time: The Standardized World Income Inequality Database.” Social Science Quarterly 101(3):1183-1199. SWIID Version 9.0, October 2020.
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