3ds Max Material Slot Black

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  1. Glass Material 3ds Max
  2. Arnold Materials 3ds Max
  3. 3ds Max Material Editor Slots Are Black
  4. 3ds Max Materials Free
  5. 3ds Max Material Slot Black Box

I think you may be referring to a problem I had a while ago, afaik max will only show 24 slots in the editor, in order to allocate more materials, you have to use multi/sub-object materials, which will allow you to assign and edit many more materials, but you'll have to start using material ids in order to implement these into your scene. Corona Renderer for 3ds Max Max Corona Goodies - User Contributions. But the material preview slot appear black, if the refraction value is 0.

Glass Material 3ds Max

3DS Max has a decent material editor system that supports a wide range of workflows. It allows for a maximum of 24 materials at any given time but can accommodate many more if needed. By using the multi/sub-object material you can easily increase the number of slots in the material editor window to as many as you like. When opening a 3ds Max scene, some (or all) of the objects in the Viewport are shown in black. These objects may have previously had textures or materials applied to them. Image: The highlighted teapot is using a VRay material next to a teapot using a standard 3ds Max material.

You'll add some materials to help visualize your revolving door. You'll add a shiny black finish for the struts and a green glass material for the glazing in the door and the enclosures. You'll also edit the material that already exists on the revolving door, so it matches your own green glass.

Set up the lesson:

  • Continue from the previous lesson, or on the Quick Access toolbar, click (Open File) and open add_door_materials.max in the startup folder.

3DS Max Tutorial - Materials and Textures: Page 1 of 3: Materials are used to provide surface properties like color, opacity, reflective index, roughness, etc. To an object in Max. Material Editor. The Material Editor is the interface with which you define, create, and apply materials. Choose “OptionsCycle” Sample Slots (or press the.

Open the material editor:

  1. On the main toolbar, choose (Material Editor) from the Material Editor flyout to open the Compact Material Editor.

    The Material Editor opens as a floating window.

    The Compact Material Editor is usually more convenient when you want simply to assign materials that have already been designed. The Slate Material Editor, which takes up more screen space, is more convenient and versatile for designing materials.

    NoteIf you open the large Slate Material Editor by mistake, then from the Material Editor toolbar choose Modes Compact Material Editor.
3ds Max Material Slot Black

Apply a door material:

You can choose materials from a material library and apply them to the revolving door so the panel is transparent.

  1. On the Material Editor toolbar, below the sample spheres, click (Get Material).

    3ds Max Design opens the Material/Map Browser.

  2. On the Material/Map Browser, click (Material/Map Browser Options) (or right-click an empty area of the dialog), and from the pop-up menu, choose Open Material Library.

    3ds Max Design opens a file dialog.

  3. Highlight the file aectemplates.mat, and then click Open.

    This library is located in the materiallibraries subfolder of your current Project. If it doesn’t appear in the file dialog when you click Open, browse to this directory, then open the library.

    NoteThe filename extension for 3ds Max Design material library files is MAT.

    A section for the library now appears in the Browser.

  4. In the Browser, double–click the material name Door-Template.

    The door material appears in the first sample slot of the Compact Material Editor.

  5. Close the Material/Map Browser.
  6. Drag the material from the sample sphere to the door object in the viewport.

    The door now displays with transparent glass. Also, in the Material Editor, the sample sphere is now marked with corners showing that this material has been applied to an object in the scene.

    TipIf you loaded the provided scene file, you might get a message that asks you to Replace or Rename the material. Choose Replace and continue.

Create and apply a green glass material:

  1. Click any unused sample slot in the Material Editor to activate that slot.

    By default, materials in the Material Editor are of the Arch & Design type. You'll change this material to the Standard type.

  2. Click the Material Type button button to the right of the material name (its label now says “Arch & Design”).

    3ds Max Design opens the Material/Map Browser again.

  3. In the Material/Map Browser, locate Materials Standard Standard, then double-click the entry Standard.

    In the Compact Material Editor, the material type changes from Arch & Design to Standard.

  4. Drag the material onto the left enclosure panels object. Drag from the material sample sphere to the viewport, and read the tooltip to be sure you have the left enclosure object (left enclosure panels) as the target.

    The glass panels of the left enclosure change their appearance in the viewport.

  5. On the Blinn Basic Parameters rollout, change the color of this material by clicking the Diffuse color swatch. When the Color Selector opens, pick a green color.

    “Blinn,” named after computer-graphics pioneer James Blinn, is the default shader type used by the Standard material. A shader determines how the material interacts with light. And “Diffuse” refers to the basic material color. You'll find more information about these and about materials in general in the User Reference.

    Watch in the viewport; each time you click a different color, the material updates in the viewport. When you've decided on a color, click the Close button.

  6. On the Blinn Basic Parameters rollout, change the Opacity value to 66.
  7. Rename the current material to Green Glass. Highlight the name and then enter the new name.
  8. Drag the Green Glass material from the sample sphere in the material editor to the right enclosure panels objects in the viewport.

    Now the glass on the right enclosure matches the color and transparency of the left enclosure.

Create a black metal finish:

  1. In the Material Editor, activate a different unused sample sphere by clicking it.
  2. Name the material Black Metal Finish and change it to the Standard type, as you did before.
  3. On the Shader Basic Parameters rollout, click the drop-down arrow next to Blinn and choose Metal.

    This shader is more appropriate for metallic materials.

  4. On the Metal Basic Parameters rollout, click the Ambient color swatch. In the Color Selector, choose a dark color close to black. You can use the Whiteness slider to darken the color.
    NoteThe Diffuse color changes to the same dark color, since the Diffuse and Ambient values are locked together by default.

    “Ambient” refers to the lighting that spreads out within a scene without being cast directly by a light source. Typically it's reflected off surfaces such as walls.

  5. Set Specular Level to 128 and Glossiness to 85.

    These two settings determine the brightness and size of shiny highlights, respectively.

    All of these settings combine to produce a black, shiny surface treatment.

  6. Press H on the keyboard, then select the Struts objects by name. Hold down the Ctrl key and highlight the names, and then click OK to select both objects and close the dialog.
  7. In the Compact Material Editor, click (Assign Material To Selection) to apply the material to the struts.
  8. Drag this material onto the central hub object (Cylinder01).

Edit the material:

After you created the pivot door, you assigned a Multi/Sub-Object material from a material library to the door. When you have a single object, such as this door, with different, distinct components (such as glazing, frame, and so on), you can use a Multi/Sub-Object material to apply different materials to its various parts.

3ds max material library

You will use the eyedropper to get the material from the door into the Material Editor. This will give you a second copy of the material to edit, leaving the original available for use.

  1. Click another sample sphere, to make it active.
  2. In the Material Editor, click (Pick Material From Object) to activate it, and then in the viewport click the pivot door.

    The sample sphere is replaced with a sphere that shows five stripes of different materials. This indicates that the selected material is a Multi/Sub-Object material.

    On the Multi/Sub-Object Basic Parameters rollout, you can click and access each individual material.

  3. Drag the Green Glass sample sphere to the button labeled “Inner Bevel (Standard).” On the Instance (Copy) Material dialog choose Instance, then click OK.

    When you copy something using the Instance option, changing one instance changes all of them. For example, if you then made the glass a neutral color, all the instances would reflect that change.

    This is the material that is applied to the glazing. The glass on the revolving door turns green in the viewport.

  4. Drag the Black Metal Finish material to the other material slots of the Multi/Sub-Object material. In each case, choose Instance.

Change the material:

Now make changes to the material and watch them update on the objects in the viewport.

Arnold Materials 3ds Max

Change the Black Metal Finish to a shiny gold instead. Do the following:

  1. Click the Black Metal Finish sample sphere.
  2. Click the Diffuse color swatch, and then change the black material to a gold material. Use RGB values of approximately 176, 157, and 52, respectively, to achieve a nice gold tone.
  3. Rename the Black Metal Finish material to Burnished Gold.
  4. Click the Perspective viewport Shading menu (now labeled “Smooth + Highlights + Edged Faces”), and turn off Edged Faces.

    Close the Material Editor when you're done.

Save your work:

  • Save the scene as my_add_door_materials.max.

In this lesson, you take a daylight image of a desert landscape, adjust its output to resemble nighttime lighting conditions, then incorporate the result into the scene as a background. You’ll add a Glare effect to enhance the appearance of the lights, then introduce a few more photometric lights to illuminate the interior of one barracks.

Set up the lesson:

  • Continue working on your own scene file or in the lighting_and_renderingarmy_compound folder, open army_compound_lighting_no_bkrnd.max.

Add a background image:

  1. Open the Rendering menu and choose Environment to open the Environment And Effects dialog. On the Common Parameters rollout, click the Environment Map button (at present, the text on the button says (“None”).

    3ds Max opens the Material/Map Browser.

  2. On the Material/Map Browser, double-click the Bitmap map type. (Bitmap is in the Maps Standard group.)

    3ds Max opens a file dialog.

  3. In the file dialog, navigate to the sceneassetsimages folder, click desert.jpg to highlight it, then click Open.

    The image is a desert landscape, taken during the day.

  4. On the Exposure Control rollout make sure Process Background And Environment Maps is off.

    When this option is turned on, 3ds Max applies the exposure control to the background map itself. For most bitmaps (those that don’t save a high dynamic range), in effect this makes the background and other environment maps invisible.

  5. Make sure no object is selected, right-click a viewport, and from the quad menu, choose Hide Unselected.
  6. Render the Camera01 viewport.

    With all objects hidden, 3ds Max has rendered only the background image. It is apparent that you will need to make the image darker so it suits the nighttime scene.

    Leave the Environment And Effects dialog open for now.

Adjust the background image:

  1. Open the Slate Material Editor.
  2. In the Material/Map Browser panel on the left, navigate to the Sample Slots group.
  3. Drag the Environment Map button from the Environment And Effects dialog and drop it onto an unused sample slot. The sample slot shows a red bar across it when you are able to drop the map.

    3ds Max asks if this should be an instance or a copy. Make sure Instance is selected, and then click OK.

  4. Close the Environment And Effects dialog.
  5. Drag the sample slot with the environment map into the active View.

    Once again, 3ds Max asks if this should be an instance or a copy. Make sure Instance is selected, and then click OK.

  6. In the active View, double-click the Bitmap node so you can see its parameters in the Parameter Editor panel to the right.
  7. On the Output rollout, decrease the Output Amount to 0.033.
  8. Render the Camera01 viewport again.

    The result is a heavily underexposed image, resembling a night sky: a digital version of filming “day for night.”

    Background bitmap heavily underexposed to suit night scene

  9. Right-click the Camera01 viewport, select Unhide All from the quad menu, then render the scene again.

    The background adds depth and interest to the scene.

  10. Close the Slate Material Editor.

Add a Glare effect:

mental ray provides a number of special effects designed to give light objects added realism. Here, you will add a Glare effect to the army compound lights, to simulate their interaction with dust particles and ambient humidity.

  1. Click (Render Setup). On the Render Setup dialog, go to the Renderer tab. In the Camera Effects rollout Camera Shaders group, turn on the Output shader toggle.

    As the shader button shows, mental ray provides a Glare shader as a default shader for camera output, but by default this shader is turned off, so you have to enable it “by hand.”

  2. Open the Slate Material Editor, and move it so you can see both dialogs.
  3. In the Material/Map Browser panel on the left, navigate to the Sample Slots group.
  4. Drag the Camera Shaders Output button from the Render Setup dialog and drop it onto an unused sample slot. The sample slot shows a red bar across it when you are able to drop the map.

    3ds Max asks if this should be an instance or a copy. Make sure Instance is selected, and then click OK.

  5. Close the Render Setup dialog.
  6. Drag the sample slot with the Glare shader into the active View.

    Once again, 3ds Max asks if this should be an instance or a copy. Make sure Instance is selected, and then click OK.

  7. In the active View, double-click the Glare node so you can see its parameters in the Parameter Editor panel to the right.
  8. On the Glare Parameters rollout, change the value of Spread from 2.0 to 0.5.
  9. Close the Slate Material Editor.
  10. Make a clone of the existing rendered frame, then render the scene.

    Rendered scene with Glare effect added to light sources

    Compare the two images to see the Glare effect. This effect is most pronounced on the suspended lamp over the jeep.

  11. Close the Rendered Frame Windows.

Add lights to the interior of the barracks on the right:

  1. Activate the Top viewport, then zoom and pan until the far-right barracks comes into view.
  2. On the Create panel, click (Lights). On the Object Type rollout, click Free Light to turn it on.
  3. Place the new light by clicking the apex of the barracks roof, near the entrance.
  4. Activate the Front viewport, zoom to see the front of the right-hand barracks, then use (Select And Move) to raise the light object on its Y axis until it is above the floor but below the roof, as shown in the illustration.

    The interior barracks lights are fluorescent, so the new light object should be suspended about two feet (about 0.6m) from the ceiling.

  5. Go to the Modify panel. On the Templates rollout, open the drop-down list and choose 4ft Pendant Fluorescent (Web).

    Now you will set the color the light will cast.

  6. On the Intensity/Color/Attenuation rollout, make sure the preset Light radio button is chosen (as opposed to color temperature: “Kelvin”), then choose Fluorescent (White) from the Light drop-down list.

    The scene calls for a standard fluorescent fixture consisting of four tubes. Rather than physically re-creating each tube, you can simply bump up the intensity of the single light object by a factor of four.

  7. In the Intensity/Color/Attenuation rollout Dimming group, change the value of Resulting Intensity to 400% (percent).
  8. In the Top viewport, make two instances of the fluorescent light. Distribute them evenly along the length of the barracks.
  9. On the Shadows rollout, turn shadows On so the ceiling lights will cast shadows.
  10. Activate the Camera01 viewport and render the scene again.

    Rendered scene with interior lights added to the barracks on the right

    The inside of the right-hand barracks is now illuminated, with light spilling out of the entrance.

Save your work:

  • Save the scene as my_army_compound_nighttime_completed.max.

3ds Max Material Editor Slots Are Black


3ds Max Materials Free

In this tutorial, you learned how to use photometric lights to illuminate a night scene. You specified the color of the light source and defined how shadows were cast. You also learned how to take a background image, adjust its output, and apply it as a background to the night scene. Finally, you saw how a mental ray Glare shader can be applied to a light object to improve the realism of the rendering.

3ds Max Material Slot Black Box